hardest part of what I’m going through is hearing my beautiful girl question
why she stayed with him for so many years. The main reason she believes she stayed
with him are:
- She feels she put her family through a lot when she was forced to choose between him and them when she got married at a younger age, feeling responsible for the pain he caused and feeling that she had to do everything she could to make the marriage work.
- She distanced her from the relationship, doing what it took to please him and stop the abusive behaviour in him, treating him as a friend.
- She felt the only person being caused paid was her and she could deal with it, she was committed to the marriage and to loving him and tried everything to make it work.
is coming to terms and asking herself the questions of why she stayed in the
relationship, I think this is a good thing, but at the same time it’s stirring
up old emotions that I don’t think she has dealt with before. She never saw
herself as a victim, and she does not see herself as a survivor. She knows he
was manipulative, but at the same time does not see him as an abuser. She still
defends his actions, and that’s the really hard part for me to see. It’s almost
like she is still trapped in it, and until she understands what happened to her
she will not be able to move on fully. She blames herself for staying in the
relationship but does not understand the physiology of what he did to her, to
keep her in the relationship.
put this into context here is some information from
Reasons for why people stay
in abusive relationships is uncovered by learning about the so-called
"cycle of abuse." In a typical instance of domestic abuse (where one
partner is abusive towards the other), abuse tends to occur periodically
(cyclically), rather than constantly (all the time). There is no clear beginning
to the cycle of abuse, but for purposes of describing it, we can start at an
arbitrary stage along its progression. Something event occurs, whether real or
only imagined by the abuser, that generates feelings of anger or even rage.
These feelings then lead to the second stage of the cycle, which is where the
actual abusive behavior occurs. Such behavior may be verbal, physical,
emotional/mental, or sexual in nature. If the cycle stopped here and stayed
constant, most victims would find it very easy to leave and not endure abuse
for long periods of time. However, shortly after the abusive event occurs,
the abuser frequently expresses remorse or guilt and wants to apologize. The
abuser will swear, "It will never happen again" and may shower the
victim with gifts and demands that the victim forgive him or her. There may
be so-called "makeup sex" which can be quite pleasurable and provide
the victim with a sense that he or she is valued, and really loved. In a
parent/child abusive relationship, guilt over abuse may be expressed as special
privileges or gifts for the child victim. Following the guilt and making up
stage comes a "honeymoon" or latency period during which things are
good for a while between the partners. Inevitably, in truly abusive relationships,
the latency period ends with the beginning of another abuse episode; the abuser
again feels angry, disrespected or treated poorly in some way and the cycle
starts all over again.
Though such cyclical abuse
is repetitive and predictable, it is also intermittent, and the rest of the
relationship might be perceived as good enough or even loving. In this context,
victims often rationalize that they aren't really being abused, that their
partner really loves them despite being abusive and that makes it okay, that
the abuse really isn't all that bad, and other similar statements. Victims are
motivated to generate excuses their abuser, to think of each abuse episode as a
"one time" thing (even when it isn't), and to focus on the good
aspects of the relationship (particularly those positive things that during the
guilt/latency phase of the abuse cycle) and convince themselves that the
relationship is really a good one and that everyone has some problems in a
relationship, i.e., my partner just occasionally loses his/her temper when
really stressed at work, etc. Or for those with poor self-esteem, the
rationalizations may be thoughts such as “I don’t deserve any better” or “this
is the best relationship I’ve had in my life.”
Victims may have any number
of low-self-esteem type beliefs that also keep them paralyzed and willing to
accept something that is merely "good enough." They may believe that they will be
alone forever if they go out on their own. They may believe that they are so
damaged that they would only pick another abusive partner anyway so why not
stay with this one? They may believe that they don't deserve any better than to
be beaten or raped on a semi-regular basis. Abusers may reinforce this lack of
self-worth by saying that abuse is normal, that they are over-reacting, etc.
Victims that do try to break
away from abusive partners may find that abuse escalates to dangerous
proportions. Abusive partners may stalk victims who try to leave them, beat
them severely, or otherwise attempt to control their ability to exit the
relationship. If they don't threaten to kill or harm the victim or the
children, they may threaten to harm themselves, and by so doing, guilt the
victim into feeling sympathy for them and then staying to prevent the
threatened suicide from happening.
The combination of internal
self-esteem deficit, intermittent actual abuse, makeup sex or other positive
attention obtained in the wake of abuse episodes, and escalating threats when
the victim tries to get away is enough to convince many victims to stay put.
Every time a victim forgives an abuser, that abuser is reinforced for being
abusive, and it becomes that much more likely that the abuser will become
abusive again in the future. The net effect is that the abuse tends to continue
forever until the victim finds the courage to leave or is abused to death
(e.g., murdered, in the most serious, violent cases). This truth is frequently
lost on both the abuser and the victim, however.
all of this she could not see that he was abusing her, not violently, but
emotionally, mentally and sometimes sexually.
Domestic violence and abuse
are used for one purpose and one purpose only: to gain and maintain total
control over you. An abuser doesn’t “play fair.” Abusers use fear, guilt,
shame, and intimidation to wear you down and keep you under his or her thumb.
Your abuser may also threaten you, hurt you, or hurt those around you.
Domestic violence and abuse
does not discriminate. It happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex
partnerships. It occurs within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and economic
levels. And while women are more commonly victimized, men are also
abused—especially verbally and emotionally, although sometimes even physically
as well. The bottom line is that abusive behavior is never acceptable, whether
it’s coming from a man, a woman, a teenager, or an older adult. You deserve to
feel valued, respected, and safe.
is not always about violence, below is an extract from a great website helping
people get out of abuse relationships by sharing the experience of others. The
main part is to know you are not alone. You are not week for staying with an
abusive partner, you are strong for realising that it was wrong.
I do not know the full story, both of the below feel like they are similar experiences
to what the love of my life went through. She has shared some information, but
at the same time I see it in the echo’s of her past and the way she reacts to
things. To give you an example; I may not hear her when she talks quietly, so I
say pardon, and she instantly apologises says she is sorry for mumbling. When
she goes out with friends, colleagues or family she walks back into the house
and expects an argument as this is what she experienced for years. If her mum
calls she apologises for being on the phone too long and worries how I will
react, the truth is, I’m so happy she has reconnected to her family and
friends. I see all of the past, and with time I will show her she can be
herself and I will never control her. My love for her is so strong and I can
see her for the beautiful soul she has.
My marriage was an experiment. I
was the proverbial frog in the cooking pot – it heated up so slowly that I
didn’t notice. That was, I didn’t notice until the blisters appeared on my
soul. I finally escaped. With the help of some amazing people, I escaped.
What follows is a typical day in
the life with my ex.
Saturday morning the alarm
doesn’t go off but I wake up early anyway. My husband, Joe, is still asleep so
I quietly creep out to the family room and settle on the couch to read my book.
About an hour later Joe comes out and looks at me.
“Good morning,” I say, looking
“What do you think you’re doing?
I’ve been laying in back there waiting for you to come back to bed.”
“I didn’t know you were up, I
wanted to let you sleep.”
“Yea, right” he growls, going
into the kitchen. He comes back with coffee and cereal and turns the TV on. I
get up, and he looks at me, “Where are you going now?”
“To get some coffee, do you need
anything else?” “Does it look like I do?” he yells, turning the TV up.
After breakfast he goes into his
office and I clean up the kitchen, then jump in the shower. When I pull back
the curtain, he’s leaning against the sink, glaring at me. Startled, I ask
what’s wrong.
“You didn’t tell me you were
going to take a shower.”
“You were working so I thought
I’d get ready to go to Sam’s club.”
“I would have taken a shower with
“I’m sorry, I just know that you
complain you always have to wait on me to get ready, I thought I’d get started
“So you can complain about
waiting on me!” He screams.
Driving to the club, I turn
towards the store and he suddenly punches the dash board, “WHERE DO YOU THINK
Shocked, I say “To the club.”
“You should’ve turned down the
next street. This one has too much traffic and too many lights.” “I’m sorry,” I
reply, “I’ll remember that for next time.”
I hate it when he gets angry.
He’s never hit me but I’ve seen him destroy furniture, appliances and kick in a
door. I have no doubt he could easily kill.
While shopping, he places an
expensive tool chest in the cart. He really doesn’t need it since he doesn’t do
much around the house.
Cringing, I look up, “We can’t
afford that right now.” “Why not?” he sighs.
“The car payment and utilities
are due.”
“So what happened to all our
“Bills and groceries.”
“I think I need to take over
managing our money.”
“I’ve tried to go over our budget
with you before but . . .”
“Oh, alright, as always I never
get anything I want and we have to do whatever you say!”
At home, I start cleaning,
wearing my iPod, when he runs into the room, screaming at me. I take the buds
out of my ears and say “What?”
“I’ve been calling you for ten
minutes. Don’t wear that around the house, it’s like you’re going around with
your fingers in your ears saying ‘Nanana, I can’t hear you!’”
“What did you need?”
“Nothing now, since I had to come
Later, fixing dinner, he comes in
the kitchen just as I spill a can of tomatoes.
“Hey klutzy.” I look up and tell
him not to call me names.
“It was just a joke, you’re too
sensitive -and you have no sense of humor.” He takes over the dinner
preparations and, when I ask him to go careful on the spicy, he just smiles,
and tells me not to worry, it will be great. Of course it’s not, it’s so spicy
I can’t eat much. After, I start cleaning up and he tells me to do it later and
come in to watch a movie. Tired from the day and not wanting another argument,
I sit down on couch. After the first movie, he says we’re going to watch one
more. He won’t answer me when I ask what movie, just looks at me and says it’s
a surprise. I immediately realize it’s Hannibal. I tell him I’m not watching
this. He looks incredulous, and asks why.
“I hate this movie. I’m going to
go to our room to read.” “You don’t hate this, you’re just trying to avoid me.”
“That’s not true,” I reply, as I walk back to the room.
After the movie he comes back and
wakes me up, “We have to talk.” “I was asleep.”
“You can go back to sleep easily.
Are we ever going to have sex again?”
“I’m not talking about this now.”
“Maybe I should just go somewhere
else to get it!” he yells. I look at him shocked.
Through clenched teeth, he adds, “Maybe I should just force you.” Then stomps
out of the room slamming the door.
I turn over to go back to sleep.
Abuse is not just about violence, is abuse, mental, emotional and sexual.
Not only did he bruise me with tv
remotes, his shoes (gee, he loved throwing those things!) one time a hair gel
container… anything in his reach really. But he also specialized in the
‘words’ that all abusers use…. “You’re just lucky I’m here. nobody else would
stay around”; “you should be grateful i tell you how to improve yourself”;
“nobody will ever love you as much as i do”; “you’re a liar- that never
happened”; “you’ve got a bloody good imagination… always making things up”;
“well if you didn’t do that i wouldn’t have reacted like that”; “it’s because
of you that i act like this.. you make me so mad”.
I also endured the relentless
hawk’s eye… i couldn’t go to the toilet without him saying “where are you
going”; the phone rings “who is it?…. okay you can talk to your sister but only
for 5 minutes, but she’s not coming over”.
I also had the relentless task of
oral stimulation & hideously painful 3 minute
penetration to relieve this man of his ‘natural urges’ and always being told
“it doesn’t matter where i get my appetite- as long as i eat at home” at the
Domestic violence doesn’t make
sense. It can be small and quiet. It can be a look, a deep sigh, a turn of the
head, it can be loud smashing noises, booming voices, fists thrown, heads
I don’t
know if I should help her see the relationship for what it was, or let her
leave it in the past knowing that she still blames herself for what happened. I
will have to trust my heart and guide her through everything in the best way I
can. If you know someone that has been abused, love them, support them, and
make sure you get the support you need to deal with these emotions.
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